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Editorial and submission guidelines for MDB Reform Accelerator


Last updated May 2023

About the Accelerator

The MDB Reform Accelerator spotlights evidence-based, innovative and promising ideas for modernizing the World Bank and the regional development banks, and presents the debates and challenges surrounding associated reform proposals.

The Accelerator is a forum to amplify the voices of a wide range of stakeholders, including thought leaders and global experts, especially from the Global South. The goal is to present a range of perspectives on how the MDBs could best be modernized to effectively address today’s development challenges. The MDB Reform Accelerator is run by a partnership of think tanks from high- and lower-income countries, coordinated by the Center for Global Development, which administers this website.

Submitting to the Accelerator

How is content selected for inclusion on the Accelerator website?

  • CGD will assess pieces to ensure they are timely and relevant to MDB reform agendas.
  • CGD will assess pieces to ensure they are sufficiently researched, sourced and fact-checked (this can include expert opinion).
  • CGD will prioritize strong and original work.
  • CGD will prioritize pieces that are clear, coherent and offer strong analytical content.
  • CGD embraces a diversity of voices and aims to publish work representing wide ranging viewpoints. CGD will make the final decision on all potential work submitted for inclusion on the Accelerator.

What types of content are published on the Accelerator?

  • Events and online webinars, as long as they have a public-facing component.
  • Short form blog posts and commentary – between 500-1,500 words in length.

  • Longer form papers and other analytical research.

Who can publish on the MDB Reform Accelerator?

  • The website is predominantly open to think tanks, independent researchers and academic institutions.

How to submit work for inclusion on the Accelerator website?

  • For short-form content that is being developed or is not published elsewhere online: please submit a brief abstract to [email protected]. CGD will then evaluate whether the piece can be developed for the Accelerator.

  • For content already published online elsewhere: Please email [email protected] with links to your content. Once a piece has been received, CGD will decide whether it is to be included on the Accelerator.

Review process for written work over five pages:

  • We do not accept unsolicited pieces longer than five pages.

  • Written work over five pages in length must have gone through a peer review process. This peer review will be predominantly done by the authoring institution. In exceptional cases a peer review may be facilitated by CGD.