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G20 Independent Experts Group on the Multilateral Development Bank System

This year, the G20 has convened an independent Experts Group to develop a detailed roadmap for reforming the multilateral development bank system. This roadmap will include solutions for improving operational approaches at these institutions, recommendations for the capital needed to meet today’s challenges, and ideas for improving coordination and cooperation among the MDBs.

More info on the group:

To do this important work to help reform the MDBs, the Experts Group wants to draw on existing research and data and gather the best ideas from around the world. That’s where you come in.

In the space below, please share your perspectives and/or relevant research on the best way to reform the MDB system. The Experts Group is especially looking for:

  • Solutions that recognize the interests of all countries and don’t pit one against another
  • Solutions that are based on careful analysis and rigorous research
  • Solutions that can be financed by leveraging the MDB system but not by the MDB system alone.

Please submit any suggestions, comments, or feedback using the form below.